Festivals |
Tiger | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NATURAL HABITS: The tiger avoids strong sunlight and likes to spend the day by sleeping. It is only at dusk that the large, round dark pupils of its eyes are fully open. It can see better in the dark than light. In the beam of a flashlight, its eyes glow like embers. It's smell and sight is so developed that it can find its kill even in dark and can hear even the rustle of pages of the book or |
on Tiger |
falling of a twig. The tiger is not an aggressive animal. It shies away
from light, noise and crowd. Unless provoked, it never attacks; only a
wounded tiger or a tigress guarding her young is known to turn savage.
When it has been wounded then it displays its bravery and courage. |
In the summer, tigers are often seen cooling themselves in shallow pools. They are also reputed to be powerful swimmers-tigers from Nepal are known to swim across the Sharda Canal to India. A tiger's tread is slow, stealthy and cautious. It walks on its toes, taking steps of a metre each. It has five claws on its fore-paws and four on its hind-paws. Its fore-feet are shorter than |
its hind-feet but its fore-paws are heavier, larger and rounder than its hind-paws. Sometimes the pug marks of the hind-paws cover those of the fore-paws and the spoors are mistaken for those of a biped. Pug marks help in tracking a tiger; it is even possible to tell its size and sex from them. The tiger swings its tail from left to right but when it is angry or happy, its tail is still. Tigers use their tails for balance when they run through fast turns. It is also used to communicate with other tigers. |
FOOD HABIT:Tigers are apex predators means they are at the top of a food chain. However, while in water they sometimes have to contend with crocodiles. On land, tigers have been known to prey on crocodiles.The tiger is a flesh-eating animal. It will eat any kind of flesh, in any state. It only eats meat and occasionally a little green grass, but that only for its medicinal value. It is wrongly believed that the tiger only eats an animal that it has itself killed.It will eat anyone's kill without distinction or |
discrimination. In fact, it is even known to relish rotting carcasses teeming the worms. A hungry tiger will eat up any living thing. In times of flood it lives on toads, frogs and fish. A tiger will eat even another tiger. Because tigers are known to eat their own offspring, the tigress keeps her cubs out of their father's reach. The tiger keeps changing its eating place with each meal. After having its fill, it hides the remains. A tiger can eat 25 to 30 kg meat at a time. The tiger does not leap upon its prey but stalks it carefully till it is quite close and then pounces on it. It strikes first at the back of the neck or the throat. No other animal is as neat and clean an eater as the tiger. It starts its meal from the rear of its victim and beginning with the groins eats the hair, skin, flesh and bones, only leaving the intestine which is carefully removes. |
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