Winter is the time for outing and merriment. As a matter of fact it is also the time for maximum exposure to ultraviolet rays and dry cold winds. So it is also the time for maximum care to your skin. Here are a few tips to remain fresh and soft even in these dry months. Staying beautiful does not means to look good but to be good so here are also some tips of diet for the season.
To get rid of the tanning and fine lines :
To get rid of the tanning occurred in winter use juice of tomato twice everyday. Don't forget to have raw tomatoes to include Vitamin-C in your |
everyday diet. Tomato is also helpful in reducing fine lines of skin. Orange is also helpful for reducing fine lines.
To combat dryness :
If you are above thirty-five then try out this fruity face pack to treat dryness of skin. Mix ripe papaya, honey, Vitamin-E capsule, milk cream and a few drops of |
glycerin to form a paste. Spread the pack all over your face and neck and keep till it dries. |
For people of all ages to heal dryness of skin paste of petals of lotus and leaves of Kadam tree is very helpful. Nowadays a variety of fruits like, Peach, Strawberry, Apricot, and Kiwi etc. not grown in India are available on big shops along with Indian fruits. Kiwi fruit is exceptionally good if used for moisturizing purpose. To get a soft skin in these dry season mix juice of half a lime and a spoon of glycerin in a cup of boiled milk. Rub the mixture all over body and keep for half an hour. Rinse with water. To make your skin petal soft and bright use always a mixture made of khubani and honey.
To treat oily skin
Whoever suffers from oiliness even in these dry months, try out this pack of grated potato, fuller earth and drops of lime. As the pack dries up rinse it off thoroughly with water. Dead cells will get removed to give you a fresh look.
Cracked heels
Beauty care does not mean caring skin of your face only. Cracked heels are eternal problem of winter season. Not only for beauty cracked heels are often source of greater infection of skin. Clean your feet thoroughly with soap. Wipe to dry with a towel. Boil spinach. Preserve the water when the leaves get boiled. Soak feet in the water to get results like magic. Besides try to keep your feet clean. Use socks when going out. Clean your feet every night. Pamper your feet with equal quantity of Vaseline and glycerin. Wear cotton socks before going to bed.
Dry elbow, knee and cracked lips
Sometimes dry elbow and knee becomes a source of embarrassment. Smash ripe banana and mix with sugar granules. Rub the mixture on affected regions till the granules melted. If practiced regularly the results are sure to come. Cracked lips coloured with lipstick is also not a site to be seen. Use a mixture of honey, limejuice, olive oil and glycerin to heal cracked lips. Instead strawberry, milk cream and honey can also be used for similar purpose.
To treat dandruff
Dryness also affects skin of scalp in this season. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Mix the seeds with sour curd in the morning. Coat the scalp with the mixture. Only soaked fenugreek seeds paste is also helpful for treating dandruff.
Cucumber being rich in silicon sulphur, is useful in treating dandruff as well as in hair fall problem.
Remain fresh
Don't stop bathing in winter. Use rose petals and basil leaves in lukewarm water for bathing. This is the wonder formula for a glowing skin. Remove dead cells and dirt with a homemade scrubber of milk cream and refined flour. If you have no time to spare at morning add a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil to the last mug of water and bath with it.
Take beauty internally. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables along with water. Include vitamins like C and A more in your diet to became the beauty of the season.